Time For A Change

Gericho is fourteen years old. With our expansion to the Washington D.C. metro area four years ago, our growth on both coasts has been steady and strong. With that growth comes the need for adjustments and change. Today, we mark a big change, at least for us it’s a big change. Gericho is now AH Dory. The same great people, the same world class customer service but all with a new name. 

Why the change? Gericho is a play on "Geri’s company". Our founder, Geri Rivers, built the company on personal relationships, reputation and a network of customers and referral sources. Consequently, she was the identity of the company. As we’ve grown, our staff and our consultants have played larger roles in serving our customers and building new client relationships. But, with Geri’s name on the door, there was an undercurrent of expectation that Geri would be in every meeting or, at least, most meetings. We hope this change, will bring an end to that frustrated expectation. It’s still Geri’s company but there are a lot more people working hard to deliver the best customer service in the business.

Take a look at our new website. You can continue to follow us on Twitter and connect with us on LinkedIn. And you can still find Geri on Twitter and LinkedIn.

We’re excited about this change and we look forward continuing to help you master the art of human resources.

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